Banned hashtags on Instagram

Instagram has a strict policy regarding the use of hashtags and regularly updates its banned hashtag list to keep the platform safe and user-friendly. Using banned hashtags on Instagram can result in reduced visibility of your posts, account suspension, and even permanent ban. In this article, we will explore the reasons why hashtags are banned on Instagram and the consequences of using banned hashtags.

Why are hashtags banned on Instagram?

Instagram bans hashtags to keep the platform safe and user-friendly. Hashtags that promote harmful or illegal activities, contain hate speech, or violate community guidelines are banned. Additionally, Instagram also bans hashtags that are commonly used for spamming or promotional purposes.

Consequences of using banned hashtags on Instagram:

Using banned hashtags on Instagram can result in a variety of consequences, including:

  1. Reduced post visibility: Posts that contain banned hashtags are less likely to be seen by other users, reducing your reach and visibility on the platform.
  2. Account suspension: Repeated use of banned hashtags can result in a temporary suspension of your Instagram account, which can last anywhere from a few hours to several days.
  3. Permanent ban: In severe cases, repeated use of banned hashtags can result in a permanent ban of your Instagram account. This means you will no longer be able to access your account or the content you have shared on the platform.

How to avoid using banned hashtags on Instagram:

To avoid using banned hashtags on Instagram, consider the following tips:

  1. Check the banned hashtag list: Before posting on Instagram, take a few minutes to check the banned hashtag list to ensure that your hashtags are not banned.
  2. Use relevant hashtags: When choosing hashtags for your posts, make sure they are relevant to your content and do not promote harmful or illegal activities.
  3. Use a hashtag generator tool: Consider using a hashtag generator tool to help you find relevant hashtags that are not banned on Instagram.
  4. Avoid using common spam hashtags: Stay away from using hashtags that are commonly used for spamming or promotional purposes.


Using banned hashtags on Instagram can result in reduced visibility of your posts, account suspension, and even permanent ban. To avoid these consequences, it’s important to check the banned hashtag list, use relevant hashtags, and avoid using common spam hashtags. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your posts on Instagram are seen by a wider audience and that your account remains in good standing on the platform.