6 digital marketing tools to get your work done in 2023 (+extra options)

Elena Sinekovich
by Elena Sinekovich on August 3, 2023

Article summary

It is hard to run and track digital marketing activities manually. Luckily, you get this roundup of top-rated tools that make your job easier and help you improve campaign performance.

  1. Tools to listen to your customers and get audience insights
  2. Tools to check spelling and grammar mistakes in your texts and master your writing skills
  3. Tools to rank your content higher on Google
  4. Tools to create attractive headlines for your blog posts and landing pages
  5. Tools to find backlink opportunities
  6. Tools to open up and improve your email marketing channel

Digital marketing includes so many different channels, approaches, and campaigns that running, tracking, and measuring all your online activities turns into a nightmare. Big marketing teams assign these tasks to individual specialists. Small ones try to distribute this workload among all team members evenly.  

However, both of them need to automate the marketing routine. Otherwise, there is no room for learning, brainstorming, and creativity in our work!  

Fortunately, we have tools that speed up and facilitate almost any marketing task — from audience analysis to email campaign launching.   

Let’s have a look at some good options. 

Tools to listen to your customers and get audience insights  

Let's start with a tool that helps you better understand your customers and meet the needs of your target audience. Besides, tracking popular topics and discussions on the web, you will draw up an effective content marketing plan for 2022.    


How does it work 

Awario peers into different corners of the Internet, including blogs, news sites, and social networks, to reveal your brand mentions and industry-related keywords you set up as an alert. You can track your CEO’s name, competitive brands, marketing campaigns, events, breaking news, or commonly used hashtags on Twitter and YouTube.    

Creating an alert, you can choose your language, location (up to a particular city and state), sources to monitor, set up the date range, and exclude keywords, social and web pages to narrow down the search. Additionally, use Boolean operators such as AND, NOT, AND NOT for the most relevant results.    

The tool will notify you about all new mentions via email and Slack daily or weekly, so leveraging Awario in the background for regular monitoring of your company’s mentions on the web is a good idea. Use it individually or create a project with your team members. 

For what marketing purposes:  

  • Analyze your customers (the tool reveals demographics, language, age, and location of people who mention your brand or keywords) and create buyer personas

  • Monitor what your competitors are doing on the web,

  • Measure your social media campaigns performance (identify sentiment, reach, the volume of mentions, etc.), 

  • Find influential accounts on social media and reach out to famous journalists in your industry,

  • Detect popular topics and come up with content ideas for socials and blog posts

  • Generate white-label reports dedicated to your brand’s online activities. 


The Starter plan is $39/mo, Pro is $119/mo, and Enterprise is $399/mo. By buying a yearly plan, you save up to 40% of the price. Also, you can book a demo to pick up the best option for your purposes. 

Free trial

Sign up for a 7-day free trial.

Other media monitoring and social listening tools to consider: 

Tools to check spelling and grammar mistakes in your texts and master your writing skills  

AI-based software is one of the trends for 2022. Data analysis, email marketing, and conversation marketing specialists employ the technology actively. AI-powered writing assistants are another realm where machine learning serves us. These tools work so well that some pessimists cannot wait to see The Decline of Copywriting (they will have to wait a long time, though).   


Grammarly for checking mistakes in texts
Screenshot from Grammarly

How does it work 

If your English grade at school is B or lower, Grammarly will keep your emails, tweets, and articles concise and mistake-free. This grammar checker is the best mate for non-native English copywriters as well.    

The tool scans your piece of content and detects writing issues such as incorrect spelling, text inconsistencies, faulty tense sequence, Passive Voice misusing, and the like. It works with four varieties of English language: American, British, Canadian, and Australian.   

You can paste your text fragment into the checker by copying it from Google Docs or MS Word or upload a document (.odt, .docx, .rtf, .txt) to check.  

Additionally, you can set up goals to get recommendations on how to keep your readers engaged with your text. For example, choose the audience characteristics (General, Knowledgeable, Expert), the formality level (informal, neutral, formal), your domain (Business, Academic, Email, Creative, etc.), the tone of voice (Joyful, Optimistic, Analytical, etc.), and your intention in copywriting (Inform, Describe, Convince, Tell a story). Grammarly will detect the part of a text for improvement. For example, it can suggest you change a buzzword with a formal one.      

You can use the tool online or download a Chrome extension to use it wherever you type, including email services and social networks.

For what marketing purposes: 

  • Check your marketing texts before publication,

  • Improve your writing skills, 

  • Localize your copies for customers from different English-speaking regions. 


The paid plans start at $12/mo. Also, a free plan with limited functionality is available.    

Free trial


Other writing assistants to consider:

Tools to write concise yet comprehensive website content

In the current world where short-form content is getting popular, everyone aims to absorb as much information as possible without spending much time. This not only applies to the video content but also the written content on websites. Not only the search engines like concise content but also the readers who want to grab information fast. 



How does it work?

Summarizer is a powerful AI-based text summarizing tool that shortens a content piece, keeping the original meaning intact. With multilingual support, users can adjust the summary length and generate summaries in the form of paragraphs and bullet points.

What really happens is that the tool’s advanced AI and NLP algorithms read and understand the whole text and identify the key points. Then, these algorithms reconstruct those key points and information pieces together to form a new summary. 

This tool can be used to condense any form of content, such as a blog post, social media post, or essay. Simply paste the content into the text input box, choose summarization mode, select the summary length, and click on the Summarize button. The tool will generate a summary. 

For what marketing purposes:

Removes any unnecessary words, terms, and information

Creates concise content that ranks better on the search engine result pages

Repurpose content, such as creating a social media post description from a blog post

Ideal to be used by marketers who use languages other than English


It works on a freemium model. Basic features are free to use. To utilize the premium feature, get its AI Assistant package for $6.99/month while the All-in-One package for $9.99/month. 

Free trial


Other content optimizers to consider:


Summarizing Tool

Tools to rank your content higher on Google 

You have a better chance to attract the target audience with the blog posts and landing pages when people can find them fast and easily. Add a pinch of SEO magic to your pieces of content to improve your search rank. 

WebSite Auditor 

WebSite Auditor for content optimization
Screenshot from WebSite Auditor

How does it work 

This software comes in handy not only for SEO pros but also for content managers and copywriters. WebSite Auditor provides a collection of site audit features that help you keep your web pages optimized for consumers.  

On the one hand, with the tool, you can analyze the pages of your website, including a blog, for tech SEO errors and page speed issues. On the other hand, it is easy-to-use for optimizing content.   

Using Content editor enables you to measure and improve a page optimization rate. Add relevant keywords (or delete unnecessary ones) and detect images with empty Alt text. Track competitive pages to keep yours in line with their content and reveal customer questions from the People Also Ask section in Google SERP to update your blog posts.  

The best thing about WebSite Auditor is its affordability for SEO novices. You don’t need to be a guru to write a good title and description for your web page and pepper it with a couple of topic-related keywords.

Furthermore, for businesses seeking more advanced integrations and support, WebSite Auditor works seamlessly with webflow enterprise partners, ensuring a streamlined process for website optimization.         

For what marketing purposes: 

  • Optimize content on your web pages,

  • Track popular industry-related keywords,

  • Monitor competitive websites.


You can use a free plan with limited functionality or upgrade the tool to the Professional plan for €125/year or the Enterprise plan for €299/year. Additionally, you can get the full SEO PowerSuite toolkit to save 40%.    

Free trial


Other SEO tools for content marketing to consider: 

Tools to create attractive headlines for your blog posts and landing pages 

As the first thing that can grab the attention of your customers or website visitors, a headline is a crucial part of your text. A great headline consists of active verbs, relevant keywords, and intrigued phrases. It also is clear, concise, cliché-free, and as simple and ‘to the point’ as possible.  

It seems headline writing is extremely challenging! Luckily, there are special tools that make the task easier. 

Headline Analyzer by CoSchedule 

Headline Analyzer by CoSchedule to create attractive headings
Screenshot from Headline Analyzer by CoSchedule

How does it work 

Headline Analyzer does the trick. The tool calculates a headline score and provides you with suggestions for improvement. Having Word Balance, Word Count, Reading Grade Level, and other indicators, you can identify the optimal length for your headline and choose the better words to describe the idea of your text.   

Additionally, the analyzer measures the sentiment of a headline that indicates whether your message sounds positive, negative, or neutral for readers. The clarity and skimmability indicators help keep your headlines clear and concise for users who find this page in Google SERP.   

Besides, the tool offers paid SEO features to compare your headlines to similar ones in search results and find the best keywords for them.   

You can download a free Chrome extension to use the tool whenever you need it. 

For what marketing purposes: 

  • Create headlines that convert Google users to your readers,

  • Optimize your headlines with relevant keywords. 


The tool is free, but you can upgrade it to get more headline score-boosting suggestions. The paid plans starts at $19/mo. Purchasing annual ones saves you 50% of the price.  

Free trial


Other headline analyzers to consider: 

Tools to find backlink opportunities 

Back to SEO again, how many backlinks does your web page earn? What is your domain rating for now? Do your website have enough ‘votes of confidence’ from other web sources? The more authoritative web pages link to yours, the higher your rank positions in Google are. Additionally, the backlinks exchange is one of the goals of guest posting. If you find it challenging to acquire these links naturally, you might consider the option to buy backlinks. Here is a powerful tool to try out!    

SEO SpyGlass 

SEO SpyGlass for backlink research
Screenshot from SEO SpyGlass

How does it work  

SEO SpyGlass is your personal backlink research assistant. The tool scans thousands of web pages to detect ones that link to your landing pages and blog posts. Check how many backlinks your website has and compare this number to your competitors.   

Since the tool unearths backlinks from external sources (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) and a huge in-house backlink database, you will get more results and more opportunities.  

Also, SEO SpyGlass spots pages that drive lots of referral traffic to your website. Think of a long-term partnership with these blogs or authors to have more visitors in the future.   

The tool gives you a hint on keywords and key phrases you can use as the anchors for your links to enhance their effectiveness.  

Finally, uncovering your competitors’ major traffic sources is available. Decide on tapping into them yourself and switch your link-building tactic.    

For what marketing purposes: 

  • Reveal backlinks pointing to your website on the Internet,

  • Find reliable blogs and media outlets for guest posting partnerships,

  • Spy out what link-building strategies your competitors are following, 

  • Find the right keywords for the link texts that will help increase your traffic. 


The tool with limited functionality is available for free. The Professional plan costs €99/year. Enterprise is €199/year. Besides, you can get the full SEO PowerSuite toolkit to save 40%.     

Free trial


Other backlink analysis tools to consider:

Tools to open up and improve your email marketing channel 

Wrapping the list up, have a look at email marketing that is still a valid and effective communication channel in 2022. Emails are the most personal method of brand communication by 74% of Baby Boomers, 72% of Gen X, 64% of Millennials, and 60% of Gen Z users, the Bluecore research said. Sending newsletters, updates, and offers by email is also one of the best ways to nurture leads. Here is a tool that enables you to get the most out of email marketing. 


MailChimp for email marketing management
Screenshot from MailChimp

How does it work 

MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms that helps you create engaging campaigns for your customers and sell more stuff via emails. However, the tool is not limited to building and sending newsletters.   

In MailChimp, you can create a landing page, website, or even an e-commerce store connected to the platform. As a result, the tool turns into a multitask assistant for getting and marketing your business online. For example, you can run targeted ads on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to build your customer base or design a customer journey map to launch automated email campaigns and nudge your prospects to purchase.  

The platform also provides you with analytics and easy-to-digest reports around your subscribers: their demographics, location, and engagements. Having this data, you can manage your audience by dividing people by segments based on their interests, countries, activities, and purchase behavior.   

Since MailChimp developers constantly add new features to the platform taking it beyond email marketing tasks, the tool can become another HubSpot or Zoho soon. 

For what marketing purposes: 

  • Manage email marketing campaigns and measure their results, 

  • Analyze target audience and customers’ behavior, 

  • Launch and develop e-commerce businesses. 


There is a free plan limited by 2 000 email contacts. Also, you can choose between Essentials for $9.99/mo, Standard for $14.99/mo, and Premium for $299/mo. 

Free trial



How does it work 

MySignature is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline the process of creating and managing professional email signatures. While its primary focus is on crafting visually appealing and functional email signatures, the platform offers a range of additional features to enhance your email communication and streamline email signature management.

With MySignature, you can effortlessly design customized email signatures that reflect your brand identity and professionalism. The intuitive signature editor allows you to add logos, social media icons, contact details, and other relevant information to create a signature that leaves a lasting impression on your recipients.

Beyond signature creation, MySignature provides tools for managing and deploying signatures across your organization. You can create signature templates that adhere to your company's branding guidelines and ensure consistency across all employee emails. The platform also offers centralized control and distribution options, making it easy to update signatures company-wide.

In addition to its signature management capabilities, MySignature offers analytics and tracking features to help you measure the effectiveness of your email signatures. You can monitor metrics such as email open rates, click-through rates, and recipient engagement to gain insights into how your signatures are performing and make data-driven decisions to optimize them further.

For what purposes: 

  • Create professional email signatures for individuals and businesses 

  • Ensure brand consistency across all email communications 

  • Track and analyze the performance of email signatures 


MySignature offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. There is a free plan available with basic features, as well as paid plans starting at $6 per user per month for additional functionality and support. Custom enterprise plans are also available for larger organizations with specific requirements.

Free trial

Yes, MySignature offers a free generator for users to explore the platform and its features before committing to a paid plan.

Other email marketing platforms to consider:

Tools to help you organize and share digital assets within your team

Brands benefit from digital asset management (DAM) software when storing, arranging, locating, and distributing digital files. Employees can easily access a brand's digital asset library of photos, videos, presentations, and documents, thus making a DAM unavoidable when working on digital marketing projects in a group.

With one simple-to-use digital asset management platform, you can share your creative files, work on new projects with colleagues, and present your work to clients and partners.

Tools to help with content production and long-form writing

Long-form writing is the bedrock of any solid content strategy. By creating long-form content (articles of 2,000 words or more), you establish expertise, experience, authority, and build trust. This is the coveted E-E-A-T crown that gets you ranking well on Google.

With the advent of AI, your long-form writing and content production can now be intensified and produced en masse. 

Content at Scale

How does it work

Content at Scale uses proprietary AI technology that mixes multiple AI engines with NLP and semantic processing to create human-like, research-backed, long-form content. You simply provide the AI writer a URL, podcast episode, YouTube video, or just a keyword. It will research the top-ranking pages on Google, use that information, and create a long-form SEO article in a few minutes.

The platform has an end-to-end publishing workflow with WordPress and Shopify integration. This means you can go from first draft to published content all in a few simple clicks. It has a built-in AI detector and a plagiarism checker too.

Aside from its AI writer, another impressive feature of Content at Scale is its comprehensive content production suite. It has a built-in keyword research tool that gives you ideas on which keywords would rank well and help you with topic clusters. Content at Scale also has an NLP Optimization Tool that compares your content to top-ranking pieces and competitors in real-time.

For what marketing purposes:

Create and publish human-like long-form content efficiently and regularly.

Quickly get from first draft to publication with end-to-end publishing.

Easily research keywords and topic clusters.


Plans start at $250/month for 8 blog posts per month.

Free trial

No, but you can try it at a reduced cost to see if it works for you. The paid trial is $39.99.


How does it work? 

DataFeedWatch is a platform that helps e-commerce businesses manage and improve their product feeds. It works with over 2000 advertising channels like Google Shopping, Facebook, Instagram and more, ensuring feeds meet each platform's requirements. 

The tool configures and optimizes all your channel feeds with a few clicks. New products in your shop are automatically added to the feed, which is updated and sent to your channels up to every hour. You can also create feed-based text ads to boost visibility in marketing campaigns. 

In addition, DataFeedWatch offers customer support through live chat, email, and video calls, ensuring users can quickly get help when needed. This mix of automation, optimization, and support makes it a valuable tool for e-commerce businesses aiming to improve their multi-channel marketing efforts and increase online sales.

For what marketing purposes:

  • Manage and optimize product feeds.

  • Enhance online visibility with feed-based text ads.

  • Simplify updates across multiple channels.



Plans start with a 15-day free trial, after which pricing is based on the number of feeds and features required.


A Dashboard of Pics.io

How does it work?

Pics.io's digital asset management system is pivotal for digital marketing teams, ensuring seamless file sharing and organized asset storage, which is essential for effective collaboration and the streamlined execution of projects.

The tool provides you with an in-depth metadata management and quick search, allowing for a quick locating the precise asset you require among thousands of others.

Utilizing visual indicators and Approval status features, assign assets and expedite the distribution of product assets, making permissions for each position in your business set up properly. Implementing DAM has improved cooperation by 140% for the marketing, sales, and creative departments.

Pics.io integrates with a variety of well-known platforms, allowing you to manage assets effectively with your preferred tools. Create links for your files immediately from your media library to send them without any delays. More than one asset could be shared in a dynamic web gallery. Besides, you get a live comment section to follow up on the details with your team. You can also password-protect your links when needed.

For what marketing purposes: 

  • Share single or multiple assets with zero downtime within your group

  • Receive direct access to immediate comments on assets

  • Change assets in the collection, and the Website will instantly sync them

  • Locate assets in no time with an automated tagging system

  • Create individualized brand messaging and ensure brand consistency for colleagues and outside partners


The tool offers five paid options starting from $50 and going up to a customized enterprise offer.

Free trial


Other organising tools to consider:

Before you go 

Of course, this list is not complete. For instance, there are no task managers and social media marketing platforms there. However, the main idea behind this text is to inspire you to automate your routine operations when the time comes. In the end, all these tools enable you to spend more time growing the brand and less on doing the daily nitty-gritty. 

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