6 Marketing Tools to Drive More Conversions from Your Website

Virginia Andrus
by Virginia Andrus on February 7, 2024

Article summary

In this article, we share six tools that simplify content creation and help you turn prospects into loyal customers.

Tools to drive conversions
  1. 1. Awario — Improved Customer Insights
  2. 2. Forminator — Engagement and Lead Capture
  3. 3. Simplified — Content Creation
  4. 4. Hotjar — User Analytics
  5. 5. Canva — Graphics Design
  6. 6. HubSpot CRM — Tracking and Nurturing Leads
  7. Wrapping Up

A brand's website serves as the pivotal point where a prospect can turn into a lead and a lead into a loyal customer. But getting people onto your website doesn’t necessarily guarantee conversions.

For brands, the challenge lies not just in attracting traffic to their website, but in ensuring that this traffic comprises the right audience. It's about providing visitors with engaging content that resonates with their interests and gently guiding them along their buyer's journey toward making a purchase.

However, this task can be particularly daunting for emerging brands with small marketing teams and limited resources. The complexity of understanding customer behavior, creating compelling content, and effectively nurturing leads requires a strategic approach and careful execution of various action items.

In this article, we'll delve into six essential marketing tools that are game-changers for driving more conversions from your website.

1. Awario — Improved Customer Insights

It can get challenging for brands to convert visitors into leads or customers if they struggle to keep them on their platform through their content.

The dwell time of a prospect on your site is proportional to their chances of filling out a form, requesting a demo, or making a purchase. However, pinpointing topics that consistently pique your audience's interest is a formidable task, particularly in the rapidly changing digital marketplace.

Ignoring emerging trends and content opportunities can lead to a significant loss in engagement and potential conversions.

Brands need to stay updated about the recent trends in their niche and pay close attention to what their audience is interested in.

Awario, a social listening tool, goes through the internet, including social media, blogs, forums, and news sites, to bring you real-time updates on what's trending in your sector. With its capability to analyze over 13 billion web pages daily, Awario ensures that no relevant conversation or emerging trend slips through the cracks.

Awario's Dashboard
Awario's Dashboard

It offers a suite of features like sentiment analysis, influencer identification, and competitive analysis, enabling brands to craft content that not only attracts but also deeply engages their audience, ultimately increasing their chances of converting their website visitors into paying customers.

2. Forminator — Engagement and Lead Capture

After getting your audience’s attention and assuring them that your offerings can solve their problems through your content, the next step is to learn more about them. You can do it through sign-up forms, quizzes, and questionnaires.

Forminator , a WordPress plugin, helps with that by allowing brands to create customizable forms, interactive polls, and fun quizzes. Its drag-and-drop visual builder simplifies the creation of contact forms, payment forms, and email forms, making your content interactive and more likely to generate effective user experience conversions.

Forminator stands out with its ability to integrate with payment platforms like Stripe and PayPal, allowing for seamless transaction processes. Additionally, it offers calculation tools for various applications, from simple estimations to complex data analysis.

Speaking of WordPress, its plugin ecosystem features many such engagement-facilitating tools that help optimize websites for conversions, something even legacy CMS solutions like Sitecore don’t offer.

This advantage is partly why enterprises and businesses consider partnering with an experienced Sitecore to WordPress migration agency to make the transition and improve their conversion rates.

3. Simplified — Content Creation

So far, we have highlighted the importance of trending, relevant, useful, and engaging website content in getting your prospects interested in your offerings and motivating them to make a purchase.

However, writing blog posts, landing pages, guides, etc., can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. This can cost businesses various opportunities to close a sale.

Simplified's AI content writing solution can expedite this process. It's designed to assist brands in overcoming the hurdles of content creation by providing an efficient, AI-powered copywriting assistant.

This tool is adept at generating high-quality content for various needs, including blogs, articles, product descriptions, websites, and social media posts.

Moreover, Simplified can instantly rewrite content, optimizing it for uniqueness and readability while maintaining the original meaning. This feature is particularly useful for refreshing existing content or adapting it to new contexts and trends. The AI-driven approach ensures that the content is not only engaging but also tailored to the brand's voice and audience's preferences.

4. Hotjar — User Analytics

Delivering an exceptional user experience (UX) on your website is a key driver for increasing conversion rates . When visitors encounter a poor UX, they are likely to click away and never return, resulting in lost opportunities for engagement and conversion.

It's essential for brands to identify what aspects of their website are working well and which are not, in order to progressively enhance dwell time and ultimately boost conversion rates.

However, that can get difficult as the unimpressed visitors are least likely to tell you what drove them away.

Hotjar, a behavior analytics and user feedback tool, provides data-backed insights into how users interact with your website. It allows you to see through heatmaps where users click, move, and scroll, giving you a visual understanding of their experiences.

Additionally, Hotjar's recording feature lets you observe real user sessions, providing a deeper understanding of user behaviors and pain points. Moreover, it offers tools like surveys and feedback widgets, enabling direct engagement with users to gather their opinions and suggestions.

This will allow brands to gain accurate insights about the areas of improvement within their website, which will help them optimize their platform further to increase conversions.

5. Canva — Graphics Design

Aesthetically pleasing visual content does more than capture your audience’s attention. It is also essential for relaying your brand’s messages, simplifying complex data, and increasing engagement and recall.

However, creating such visuals for your website, social media, email, and other customer touchpoints consistently can get challenging. Finalizing ideas, creating the graphics, collaboratively reviewing them, getting the editor’s approval, and finally publishing them is tedious, to say the least.

Canva solves these challenges with its intuitive user interface and collaborative features, which even empower marketers with limited design experience to create captivating visuals and set them live with their team.

Moreover, the platform offers thousands of templates for a variety of use cases, including infographics, feature images, video thumbnails, and logos, which can be easily customized to speak your brand language.

Recently, Canva improved its platform even further with generative AI, allowing brands to generate exactly what they want to create captivating content for their website and increase conversion rates.

6. HubSpot CRM — Tracking and Nurturing Leads

You probably visit a website or a product page a few times before making a purchase, and the same thing holds for your audience. Each time they visit your website, they get a step closer to becoming your customer.

It is essential for you as a business to be aware of these visits and send appropriate messages based on where they are in the buyer’s journey. For instance, if they are in the awareness stage, you can send them a welcome message introducing them to your offerings. 

Similarly, if they are in the consideration stage, you can send them a comparison article that highlights how your offerings are better than your competitors.

HubSpot CRM can monitor contact center interactions, manage leads, and gain insights into customer behavior. Consequently, brands can create and run targeted marketing campaigns and send personalized messages that resonate with where a prospect is in their decision-making process, amping up their website’s conversion rates.

Wrapping Up

A website is a pivotal tool in the journey of converting prospects into leads and, ultimately, into loyal customers. The effectiveness of this conversion process hinges on how well a website engages, informs, and guides its visitors.

To ensure your website does that, you need to gain insights about what interests your audience, engage them when they are on your website through interactive elements and captivating visuals, and provide them with useful content based on where they are on the buyer’s journey.


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