Hashtag generator

Hashtags are an essential part of social media marketing. They help users to find content related to their interests and also make it easy for businesses to target their desired audience. However, coming up with relevant and unique hashtags can be a challenging task. This is where a hashtag generator comes into the picture.

What is a hashtag generator?

A hashtag generator is a tool that helps users to generate new and relevant hashtags based on keywords or phrases. These tools can be used by businesses, marketers, and individuals to enhance their social media presence and reach a wider audience.

How does a hashtag generator work?

Hashtag generators work by analyzing the text or keywords provided by the user and suggesting relevant hashtags. The generated hashtags are based on various factors such as the popularity of the keyword, the context of the text, and the current trends.

Types of hashtag generators

There are various types of hashtag generators available in the market, including:

  • Automatic hashtag generators - These tools generate hashtags automatically based on the keywords or phrases provided by the user.
  • Manual hashtag generators - These tools allow users to enter keywords or phrases manually and suggest relevant hashtags.
  • Advanced hashtag generators - These tools not only suggest relevant hashtags but also provide analytics and insights on the performance of the hashtags.

How can Awario be helpful for generating new hashtags?

Awario is a social media monitoring tool that offers a range of features to help users find and generate new and relevant hashtags. Some of the key features of Awario include:

  • Social listening - Awario allows users to monitor social media platforms for mentions of their brand, competitors, and industry-related keywords.
  • Hashtag research - Awario suggests relevant hashtags based on the keywords or phrases provided by the user.
  • Analytics and insights - Awario provides detailed analytics and insights on the performance of the suggested hashtags, including the reach and engagement.


Hashtags are an essential part of social media marketing, and a hashtag generator can be a valuable tool for businesses, marketers, and individuals to enhance their social media presence. Awario is an advanced hashtag generator that offers a range of features to help users generate new and relevant hashtags. With its social listening, hashtag research, analytics, and insights capabilities, Awario can be a helpful tool for generating new hashtags and driving engagement on social media platforms.