Saving TikToks

TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to create and share short-form videos. These videos can be entertaining, informative, or creative, and many users enjoy watching and sharing their favorite TikToks. However, TikTok videos are not always easy to save and preserve for future viewing. In this article, we will explore the different methods for saving TikToks, including built-in features, third-party apps, and screen recording.

Saving TikToks Using Built-in Features

  1. Saving to "For You" page: TikTok allows users to save a video to their "For You" page by tapping the "Share" button and then selecting "Save Video." These saved videos can be accessed by going to the "For You" page and scrolling through the "Saved" section.
  2. Saving to "Favorites" folder: TikTok also allows users to save videos to a "Favorites" folder by tapping the "Share" button, selecting "Add to Favorites," and then selecting the desired folder.
  3. Downloading to Camera Roll: Users can also download a video to their device's camera roll by tapping the "Share" button, selecting "Save Video," and then selecting "Save to Camera Roll."

Saving TikToks Using Third-Party Apps

  1. TikTok Downloader: TikTok Downloader is a third-party app that allows users to download TikTok videos to their device's camera roll. The app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Video Downloader for TikTok: Video Downloader for TikTok is another third-party app that allows users to download TikTok videos to their device's camera roll. This app can also be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  3. TikSave: TikSave is a third-party app that allows users to download TikTok videos and save them to a cloud storage platform such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

Saving TikToks Using Screen Recording

  1. Built-in screen recording: Some devices have a built-in screen recording feature that allows users to record their device's screen. This can be used to record a TikTok video while it's being played.
  2. Third-party screen recording apps: There are also third-party screen recording apps available for download, such as AZ Screen Recorder, that can be used to record a TikTok video while it's being played.

Tips for Saving TikToks

  1. Check for copyright: Be aware that not all TikTok videos can be saved or downloaded, as some may be protected by copyright laws.
  2. Save TikToks to a cloud storage platform: To ensure that your saved TikToks are accessible from any device, consider saving them to a cloud storage platform such as Google Drive or Dropbox.
  3. Organize saved TikToks: Create folders or labels to organize saved TikToks for easy access and viewing in the future.


Saving TikToks can be a useful way to preserve your favorite videos for future viewing. TikTok has built-in features for saving videos, such as the "For You" page and "Favorites" folder. Additionally, there are third-party apps available for downloading TikTok videos, and screen recording can also be used to save TikTok videos. When saving TikToks, it is important to be aware of copyright laws and to save them to a cloud storage platform for easy access. By following these tips, users can easily save and preserve their favorite TikTok videos for future viewing.