How much do Instagram influencers make

Instagram influencer marketing has become a popular and lucrative industry, with influencers earning a significant amount of money through sponsored posts, brand collaborations, and product promotions. In this article, we will explore how much Instagram influencers make, including the factors that impact their earnings and the average earnings of influencers on the platform.

Factors That Impact Influencer Earnings:

The earnings of Instagram influencers are impacted by several factors, including:

  1. Followers: The number of followers an influencer has is one of the most significant factors impacting their earnings. Influencers with larger audiences have the potential to reach more people, making them more valuable to brands and increasing their earnings.
  2. Engagement: The engagement rate of an influencer's followers also impacts their earnings. Influencers with high engagement rates, such as likes, comments, and shares, are considered more valuable to brands and can earn more money.
  3. Niche: The niche or industry an influencer operates in also impacts their earnings. Influencers in high-demand niches, such as beauty, fashion, and food, can earn more money than those in lower-demand niches.
  4. Location: The location of an influencer also impacts their earnings. Influencers in major cities, such as New York, London, and Los Angeles, can earn more than those in smaller cities.

Average Earnings of Influencers on Instagram:

The average earnings of influencers on Instagram vary greatly, with some earning just a few hundred dollars per post, while others earn tens of thousands of dollars per post. The average earnings of influencers on Instagram are estimated to be between $1,000 and $10,000 per post, depending on their followers, engagement, niche, and location.

Smaller influencers, with less than 10,000 followers, typically earn between $50 and $500 per post, while larger influencers, with over 100,000 followers, can earn between $10,000 and $50,000 per post.

Top Earners on Instagram:

The top earners on Instagram are typically those with millions of followers, high engagement rates, and a strong following in high-demand niches. These influencers can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per post, and some even earn millions of dollars per year through their collaborations and partnerships with brands.


Instagram influencer marketing has become a popular and lucrative industry, with influencers earning a significant amount of money through sponsored posts, brand collaborations, and product promotions. The earnings of Instagram influencers vary greatly, depending on their followers, engagement, niche, and location, with the average earnings estimated to be between $1,000 and $10,000 per post. The top earners on Instagram can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per post and millions of dollars per year.