True or False: social listening can help you find leads

Is it true that social listening can help you find leads? In a word, yes, it is true. Social listening is a broad practice that can have many potential benefits. Helping you discover potential leads is one of them, and there're multiple avenues you can go for.

How to discover leads via social listening

Here are a few pointers on how social listening can be used for lead generation:

  • Monitor untagged brand mentions — provided your brand already has some fame, chances are social media users will be discussing it without ever tagging you. Social listening helps you find these conversations, giving you the opportunity to glean insights from them(e.g. a fresh website visitor's perspective or a feature request), or chime in as brand representative or just a passer-by;
  • Look for people dissatisfied with a competitor — it's a perfect opportunity for you to pounce, explain how your solution avoids the pain points customer expressed, and potentially win them over;
  • Search for conversations where people discuss your niche, or ask for recommendations on a product just like yours — discussions like these are the most fertile soil for your lead generation efforts. All you need to do is find the right moment and language to insert your solution into the discussion, and sure enough some people will check it out. Just make sure to not be overly sales-y in places like Reddit!

Conveniently, Awario has a dedicated Leads module that helps you find potential warm leads in the vast landscape of social media. It can be a great tool to try all of the three points mentioned above!